Astelia flowers |
Snow Marguerite |
Speargrass spikes |
Whipcord Hebe |
Giant Buttercup |
Anistome flowers |
Hover fly on flower |
Groundsel |
Wasp taking honeydew |
Yound red beech leaves |
Matagouri |
Native Ice Plant |
Kauri Forest |
Libertia leaves |
Kowhai trees |
Kowhai flowering |
Kowhai tress |
Kowhai flowers |
Kowhai flowers |
Coprosma berries |
Lacebark flowers |
Kohekohe flowers |
Pate leaves |
Bellbird |
Tree fern fronds |
Leaf close up |
NZ Maidenhair fern |
Fern and spores |
Giant Umbrella Sedge |
Oi-oi Rush |
Oi-oi rush |
Native Fungi |
Native Sedge |
Umbrella moss |
Snowberry and Tararua speargrass |
Alpine Eyebright flowers |
Alpine gentian flowers |
Rangiora Leaves |
Blackberry flowers |
Oneroa Beach, Waiheke Is. |
Rangitoto Island from Auckland |
Honey bee on flax |
Native Lancewood |
Native Bidi-bidi |
Tui and Rewarewa flowers |
Tiritiri Is., Hauraki Gulf |
North Island mountain foxglove |
Lava fields Rangitoto Island |
Rakino Is. Hauraki Gulf |
Pohutukawa trees and Woody Bay |
Rakino Is., Hauraki Gulf |
Rakino Is., Hauraki Gulf |
Native orchid |
Honey bee on flax |
Flax flowers |
Speargrass flower |
Speargrass flower |
Leptinella pusilla in bloom |
Native buttercup |
White Clover |
Images 6541 to 6600 of 7684 |