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Wapiti Rv, remote Fiordland -
ID#: (39165)
View south from Tararua Ranges -
ID#: (33973)
Cars crossing on Crown Range -
ID#: (38044)
Northern Ruahine Ranges -
ID#: (31189)
Wapiti Rv, remote Fiordland -
ID#: (39164)
Tree ferns in forest -
ID#: (48979)
Northern Ruahine Ranges -
ID#: (31188)
Tree ferns in forest -
ID#: (48980)
Silver fern, NZ native tree fern -
ID#: (51054)
Tree ferns in forest -
ID#: (48983)
Hahei visitors, Coromandel -
ID#: (41194)
Nelson Lakes N.P. -
ID#: (11217)
Road heading towards Mount Cook -
ID#: (37757)
Rounding a curve in the road -
ID#: (38049)
Rugged mountains at Haast River -
ID#: (36843)
Tararua Range -
ID#: (30752)
Road to Mount Cook at winter -
ID#: (37771)
Southern main range, Tararuas -
ID#: (33971)
Mount Cook road at winter -
ID#: (37760)
Silver fern, NZ native tree fern -
ID#: (51055)
Road towards the Hermitage -
ID#: (37758)
Tree ferns in forest -
ID#: (48985)
Visitors to Zealandia, Karori -
ID#: (39838)
Haast River & mountain range -
ID#: (36844)
Passing car on Crown Range -
ID#: (38043)
NZ Manuka Flowers -
ID#: (20637)
Fan Palms, Papamoa Beach -
ID#: (64014)
Manuka flowers -
ID#: (23226)
Dairy cross weaner calf -
ID#: (62911)
Mt Ruapehu and The Grand Chateau -
ID#: (59965)
MacKenzie basin clouds -
ID#: (57195)
Manuka flowers -
ID#: (20643)
Toru Flowers -
ID#: (23223)
Dairy cross weaner calf -
ID#: (62910)
Rauhuia flowers -
ID#: (20625)
Rauhuia flowers -
ID#: (20626)
Alpine gentian flowers -
ID#: (24357)
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