Kohekohe flowers |
Native Sedge |
Alpine Eyebright flowers |
Alpine gentian flowers |
Oneroa Beach, Waiheke Is. |
Rangitoto Island from Auckland |
Honey bee on flax |
Tui and Rewarewa flowers |
North Island mountain foxglove |
Rakino Is. Hauraki Gulf |
Pohutukawa trees and Woody Bay |
Rakino Is., Hauraki Gulf |
Native orchid |
Honey bee on flax |
Flax flowers |
Speargrass flower |
Speargrass flower |
Leptinella pusilla in bloom |
Native buttercup |
Five finger flowers |
Karo flowers |
Manuka flowers |
Toru Flowers |
Beech flower |
Kaikoura Rock Daisy seed head |
Native flower |
Leptinella flower |
Koru berries |
Yellow flowered snow marguerites |
Alpine cascade |
Native Kaikoura Rock Daisy |
Sundew - Insect eating plant |
Native NZ gloxinia in flower |
NZ native orchid |
NZ native orchid |
NZ native orchid5 |
Flax flowers |
Flax flowers |
Motu River, Eastern Bay of Plenty |
Mt Maunganui |
Mt Maunganui |
Mount Maunganui |
Mt Maunganui |
Goat Is. Marine Reserve |
Visitors on beach at Goat Island |
Matheson's Bay, North Auckland |
Orewa |
Manuka flowers |
NZ Manuka Flowers |
Hebe speciosa (Napuka) flower |
Native NZ hebe plant |
Rauhuia flowers |
Rauhuia flowers |
Rengarenga lily |
Rengarenga flowers |
NZ Native Golden Tainui flowers |
Taurepo in bloom |
Tree daisy |
Hebe |
Pratia Flowers |