Porpoising chinstrap penguin group |
Chinstrap penguin |
Crabeater seal on pack ice |
Crested Grebe pair on lake |
Young skink on hairy finger |
Ornate Skink, NZ native |
Ornate Skink, NZ native |
Ornate Skink on rock |
Slose up of Ornate Skink |
Royal Penguins, Macquarie Is. |
Northern Giant Petrel |
Gentoo Penguin juvenile |
Gentoo Penguin chick |
Wandering albatross |
Grey Headed Mollymawk |
Macquarie Shag colony |
Sea Lion bull mating seal |
Close up of branded sea lion |
New Zealand native giant earthworm |
Snares crested penguins |
Bullers Mollymawks |
Sooty shearwater flock |
Native Dabchick |
Sooty Shearwater on ice on ship |
New Zealand native false scorpion |
Leopard seal attacking penguin |
Snares crested penguins on rocks |
Close up, King penguin pair |
Gentoon Penguin group |
Hourglass dolphins, Antarctica |
Yellow-crowned Parakeet |
Young Rock Hopper penguin |
Rock Hopper penguin |
Mounting Rock Hopper penguin |
Moulting Rock Hopper penguin |
Adelie penguins by granite cliffs |
Adelie penguins trek over rocks |
Adelie penguins on rocks |
Dead Emperor Penguin by rock |
Adelie penguin remains, Antarctic |
Scree Skink lizard close up |
Native Scree skink lizard |
Native Scree skink lizard |
Carabid Beetle with parasite |
Group of wekas awaiting relocation |
Weka in cage trap |
Conservation worker holding wekas |
Conse4rvation worker banding Weka |
Conservation worker banding Weka |
Conservation worker banding Weka |
Close up of conservation bird bands |
Doc ranger banding Weka |
DOC ranger banding Weka |
Close up, banding of Weka |
Little Blue Penguin Eudyptula minor |
Native bellbird on branch |
Robin bird legs |
Saddleback bird |
South Island Saddleback |
Releasing weka from cage trap |