Lightbox selection contains 28 photos
Pleurophyllum speciosum plant -
ID#: (10291)
Tree fern koru -
ID#: (16430)
NZ Wood Pigeon, Kereru -
ID#: (55418)
Native Paradise duck chick -
ID#: (42131)
Creeping Pratia -
ID#: (18600)
Lichens competing -
ID#: (34189)
Geothermal hot pool -
ID#: (13309)
Mustering Lake McRae, Molesworth -
ID#: (46255)
Dairy farms, Omakau, Central Otago -
ID#: (54763)
emale Paradise Shelducks and young -
ID#: (49200)
Purple sea shell -
ID#: (38702)
NZ Falcon, South Island -
ID#: (48330)
Edith River, remote Fiordland -
ID#: (39168)
Native Bidibidi, ground cover plant -
ID#: (48852)
Little Shag -
ID#: (55149)
Native Blue duck -
ID#: (16977)
Native Bidi-bidi -
ID#: (23857)
Wood rose flower -
ID#: (12092)
Alpine cushion plant -
ID#: (47585)
Blurred foliage of Mahoe Tree -
ID#: (39901)
Pohaturoa Pk Pa site, Atiamuri, Waikato -
ID#: (58659)
Abstarct colour -
ID#: (46598)
Tour boat in Milford Sound -
ID#: (42633)
Rushing water, abstract -
ID#: (34992)
NZ flax weaving, harakeke -
ID#: (56589)
Day walking Matukituki Valley -
ID#: (36804)
NZ Wood Pigeon, Kereru -
ID#: (53740)
Snares crested penguins -
ID#: (34576)
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