Possum eradication work, Taranaki |
Possum eradication work, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Predator trapping volunteers, Taranaki |
Possum eradication, Mahia Peninsula |
Possum eradication, Mahia Peninsula |
Marine research, Otago University |
Marine research, Otago University |
Marine research, Otago University |
Marine research, Otago University |
Bill Robertson, Surveyor General |
Bill Robertson, Surveyor General |
Geologist, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake fault rupture |
Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake fault rupture |
Kaikoura Earthquake. Geologist meeting locals |
Kaikoura Earthquake. Geologist meeting locals |
Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake fault rupture |
Kaikoura Earthquake. Geologist meeting locals |
Kaikoura Earthquake. Geologist meeting locals |
Geologists, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Geologists, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Geologists, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Geologists, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Geologist, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Geologist, Kaikoura m7.8 earthquake |
Dry fly trout fishing, Lake Taupo |
Dry fly trout fishing, Lake Taupo |
Aerial drone, Antarctica |
Kevin Prime portrait, Ngati Hine |
Portrait, DOC botanists rangers |
Mother & child on a walk |
Mother & child on a walk |
Mother & child on a walk |
Stockmen shoeing horses |
Stockman shoeing horse |
Stockman shoeing horse |
Stockman shoeing horse |
Stockman shoeing horse |
Farrier shoeing horses |
Farrier shoeing horses |
Farrier Patrick Schimanski |
Mother & child on the Brod Bay track |
Horse and buggy |
Horse and buggy |
Winter tramping in snow and sleet |
Sunset watcher, Wgtn south coast |
Clothing up for cold |
Fiordland tarn, tramping |
Fiordland tarns, tramping |
Exercising family on coast, Mana |
Parents coastal run, Pukerua Bay |
Family coastal exercise |