Creating your own fun southern style |
Snowboarding behind ute |
Snow boarding behind truck |
Curious King Penguin |
humour on road sign |
Photographing humorous sign |
Playing in the park |
Cattle seeking shade of tree |
Gentoo Penguin juvenile |
Three elephant seal pups |
Three elephant seal pups |
Whitebait on hook |
Fixing 4x4 |
Fixing 4x4 |
Dog jumping for frisbee |
Weddell Seal on ice |
Young Southern Elephant Seals |
Southern Elephant Seals on beach |
Southern Elephant Seal juveniles |
Royal Penguins fighting |
Southern Elephant Seals fighting |
Southern Elephant Seals fighting |
Adelie penguin chick, all alone |
Adelie Penguins, Antarctic |
Giant kauri |
Kauri Trees |
Native Kea |
North Island Kaka perching on person |
Green Frog eye macro |
Trout fishing |
Sleeping fisherman near river |
Common Gecko, NZ native lizard |
Pokaka, Central North Island, Popn 4 |
Pokaka, Central North Island, Popn 4 |
Farm dogs riding ATV |
Sheep in with farm dogs, mustering |
Posties taking Fedex delivery |
Stuck in sand, Mitimiti, Northland |
Dairy cow herd, winter feeding |
Storm damaged irrigator, Canterbury |
Molesworth Road driving |
Northland green gecko licking eye |
Farm dog puppies, Molesworth |
Farm dogs waiting, Molesworth |
Kiwi summer break and jandals |
Kiwi summer break and jandals |
Bees swarming on STOP sign |
Bees swarming on STOP sign |
Swallow bird nest on binoculars |
Molesworth Station muster dogs |
Farm working dog |
Malcolm Bell and brown trout |
Malcolm Bell and brown trout |
Farm cattle dogs being let out |
Farm cattle dogs being let out |
Farm cattle dogs being let out |
Farm cattle dogs being let out |
Rob Suisted with Elephant seal pup |
Adelie Penguin leaping, Antarctica |
Leaping penguins, Antarctica |