Leaping penguins, Antarctica |
Leaping penguins |
Hand made sign on rural road |
Amusing sign on rural road |
Snowboarding behind ute |
Snowboarding behind utility |
Snowboarding behind ute |
Humorous sign |
Skippers Canyon - BEWARE! |
Cattle seeking shade from tree |
Sleeping Gentoo Penguin on beach |
Southern Elepant Seal |
Dog jumping for frisbee |
Penguins & tourist watching |
Elephant Seals wallow in the mud |
Southern Elephant Seal on road |
King penguin with egg |
Three King penguins, Macquarie Is |
King Penguins pair, Macquarie Is |
Royal Penguins fighting |
Royal Penguins mutual grooming |
Southern Elephant Seals fighting |
Chinstrap penguin, Antarctica |
Kea on rental car |
H-bomb humour, Gunns Camp |
Wildfoods Festival, Hokitika |
Adelie Penguins, Antarctic |
Adelie Penguins, Antarctic |
Adelie Penguins, Antarctic |
Muddy Adelie Penguin chick |
Adelie Penguins, Antarctic |
Adelie Penguins, Antarctic |
Adelie Penguins, Antarctic |
Stuck in mud |
Motocross event |
Ngawi bulldozer, South Wairarapa |
Ngawi fishing village |
Sharing a happy moment |
Sharing a laugh |
Pukeko bird |
NZ Sealion male |
Stewart Island humour |
Stewart Is Gate post |
Cheeky Weka bird |
Sneaky Weka bird |
Farmer on quad with dogs |
Comic flying events |
Comic flying event |
Comic flying event |
Comic flying event |
Comic event |
Tui bird checking undercarriage |
Dizzy! White eye bird |
Wildfoods festival |
Wildfoods festival |
Speed ticket! |
Giant sandfly sculpture |
Native alpine Kea |
Gannet face |
Native Yellow eyed penguin |