White Island Crater from the sea |
White Island |
White Island |
Whakatane |
Tree fern stand in the forest |
Tall forest |
Podocarp forest |
Kahikatea buttresses |
Rangitaiki River mouth |
Rangitaiki River Mouth and estuary |
Whakatane |
Whakatane |
Mt Edgecumbe |
Sulphur encrusted fumerole |
White Island |
White Island |
White Island |
Tourist boat comes to White Island |
Crater Lake, White Island |
Sulphur encrusted fumeroles |
White Island |
Machinery destroyed by volcano |
Ohope Beach |
Sulphur deposit |
Sulphur encrusted fumeroles |
Visitors to White Island crater |
Flock of gannets, White Island |