Shot fired into DOC signage |
Vandals work on signage |
Vandals work on signage |
Dog tucker on the farm |
Dog tucker on the farm |
Wapiti - red deer hybrid male |
Wild young Wapiti stag, Fiordland |
Wapiti bull spiker deer Fiordland |
Possession Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica |
Sooty Shearwater on ice on ship |
Hokianga Vehicle Ferry sign |
Sun shafts on Auckland Islands |
Close up, King penguin pair |
Royal Penguins and King Penguin |
Yellow-crowned Parakeet |
Old sealers' gear, Macquarie Is |
Adelie penguins by granite cliffs |
Adelie penguins trek over rocks |
Adelie penguins on rocks |
Tourists approach French base |
Dead Emperor Penguin by rock |
Turere Stream Mouth, Remutaka |
Trampers, Remutaka Forest area |
Beaver Road signpost, Kaipara |
Beaver Road signpost, Kaipara |
Danger sign, Kepler Track |
Roaring Meg Power Station |
Historic aqueduct, Bannockburn |
Historic aqueduct, Bannockburn |
Historic aqueduct, Central Otago |
Loading boat onto trailer |
Hunters spotting deer from boat |
Jet Boat taking a break, Fiordland |
Wairaurahiri River Jet Boat |
Sea Kayaking, Fiordland |
Kepler Track boardwalk, Fiordland |
Mt Luxmore Trig, Kepler Track |
Mueller Glacier, Mt Cook Nat Park |
DOC campground Mt Cook Nat Pk |
DOC campground Mt Cook Nat Pk |
DOC campground Mt Cook Nat Pk |
DOC campground Mt Cook Nat Pk |
Trampers leave for Hooker Valley |
Trampers, Hooker Valley walk |
Tasman Valley, Aoraki Mt Cook NP |
Mount de la Beche, Southern Alps |
Mt Cook National Park & signpost |
Mt Cook National Park & signpost |
Vehicle entering Mt Cook Nat Park |
Tourists photographing Mt Cook |
Helicopter, 1st hut Kepler Track |
Luxmore Hut, Kepler Track |
Red deer statue in Mossburn |
Feet and footprints on the beach |
Bare feet and footprints on the bea |
Railway tracks, Wairarapa |
Light bulbs on a jigging vessel |
Scenic & Marine Reserve signpost |
Dry rot in wood |
Didymo algae warning sign |