Stoat killed in trap for conservation |
Wild juvenile rabbit in grass |
Lawn daisies and clover |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Forest harvest, Marlborough |
Forest harvest, Marlborough |
Cotoneaster, NZ weed species |
Cotoneaster, NZ weed species |
Bare winter willow tree |
Bare winter willow tree |
Bare winter willow tree |
German wasp hibernating |
Giant Reed weed grass |
Giant Reed weed grass |
Giant Reed weed grass |
Kauri tree dieback disease |
Kauri tree dieback disease |
Kauri tree dieback disease |
Kauri tree dieback disease |
Kauri tree dieback disease |
Balm of Gilead plant weed |
Balm of Gilead |
Balm of Gilead |
Balm of Gilead |
Balm of Gilead |
Balm of Gilead |
Balm of Gilead |
Elderflower picking |
Elderflower picking |
Elderflower picking |
Scotch broom flowers |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Scotch broom flowers and seeds |
Historic olive tree, East Cape |
Baby wild Hare |
Merino rams, shorn and unshorn |
Merino rams, shorn and unshorn |
Merino rams, shorn and unshorn |
Merino rams, shorn and unshorn |
Merino rams, shorn and unshorn |
Monarch butterfly caterpillar |
Inkweed plant pest |
Wild lupin flowers |
Wild lupin flowers |
Wild lupin flowers |
Wild Sika deer hind and yearling |
Wild sambar deer, Horowhenua |
Wild sambar deer |
Wild Chamois |
Wild Chamois |
Wild Chamois |
Wild Chamois doe and kid |
Wild Chamois |