Chatham Is forget-me-not leaf |
Chatham Is forget-me-not leaf |
CLoseup of tree lupin leaves |
Weathered limestone rock |
Weathered limestone rock close up |
Darwins Barberry weed |
Native Astelia fruit |
Native Astelia fruit |
Native Astelia fruit |
Light rain drops |
Rain drops |
Gnarled roots of a Mahoe tree |
Water drops on leaf |
Pine tree forest |
Pukerua Bay beach |
Pukerua bay beach |
Miro berries |
Miro berries |
Miro berries |
Alepis Mistletoe |
Native Red tussock |
Pittosporum tenuifolium fruit |
Moth eggs on Pittosporum fruit |
NZ mistletoe |
NZ green mistletoe |
NZ green mistletoe |
NZ green mistletoe |
Tree fern fronds |
Totara tree fruit, native |
Native puff ball |
Grape vines on hill, Hawkes Bay |
Grape vines, Hawkes Bay |
Grape vines, Hawkes Bay |
Grape vines, Hawkes Bay |
Grape vines, Hawkes Bay |
Grape vines, Gladstone |
Grape vines, Gladstone |
Grapes, Gladstone Wairarapa |
Grapes, Gladstone Wairarapa |
Grapes, Gladstone Wairarapa |
Grapes, Gladstone Wairarapa |
Grapes, Gladstone Wairarapa |
Grapes, Gladstone Wairarapa |
Grapes, Gladstone Wairarapa |
New Zealand Greenstone, Takiwai |
New Zealand Greenstone, Tangiwai |
Road surface |
Pine bark texture |
Schist rock wall |
Schist rock wall |
Schist rock wall |
Schist wall |
New Zealand Greenstone, Tangiwai |
NZ Greenstone, Takiwai |
Pebble texture |
River rock texture |
Bracken fern |
Autumn leaves |
Autumn fallen leaves |
Autumn coloured leaves |