Invercargill war memorial |
Invercargill war memorial |
Oreti beach and Sandy Point |
Oreti beach and Sandy Point |
Anaura Bay campsite |
Anaura Bay campsite |
Anaura Bay campsite |
Anaura Bay campsite |
Winter tent camp in Rangipo Desert |
Queenstown Airport |
Mountain bikers above Red Rocks |
Interislander ferry |
Auckland Sky Tower |
Mt Moka - Bendigo Conservation Area |
Sheep flock being herded |
Sheep flock being herded |
Sheep flock being herded |
State Highway 94 - Southland |
Christchurch Airport |
Christchurch Airport |
Auckland wharf |
Pell Stream hut in Lewis Pass |
Lewis Pass Scenic Resere |
Lewis Pass Scenic Resere |
Lewis Pass Scenic Resere |
Lewis Pass Scenic Reserve |
Paringa River in South Westland |
Grey River/Mawheranui near Greymouth |
Sailboat moored on Lake Te Anau |
Grapevines in the Autumn |
Pine forest plantation in morning mist |
Old farm shearing shed in Pipiriki |
Tree ferns and forest |
Tree ferns and forest |
Tree ferns and forest |
Tree ferns and forest |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Molesworth Station breaking storm |
Molesworth Station stockmen & horses |
Mustering cattle, Molesworth Station |
Picnic at Molesworth Station |
Picnic at Molesworth Station |
Bush Gully/Molesworth Station |
Bush Gully out station |
Acheron Accommodation house |
St Joseph's Church in Jerusalem |
Tourists at Hahei beach waterfront |
Car on Milford Sound highway |
Car on Milford Sound highway |
Tour coach on Milford Sound highway |
Iceberg with sculptured curves |
Iceberg with sculptured hollows |
Auckland City waterfront |
Auckland Ferry building |
Historic engine shed/Big River mine |
Historic engine shed/Big River mine |
Historic engine shed/Big River mine |