Rimu forest |
Southern Rata flowers |
Southern Rata flowers |
Penguin pair in Rata Forest |
Old St Pauls, Wellington |
Tree outlines against sky |
Cabbage trees over water |
Oparara Rv., Kahurangi N.P. |
Jackson River, South Westland |
Nikau palms on the Heaphy Track |
Karaka Tree |
Puka Tree foliage and fruit |
Puka Tree foliage and fruit |
Puka Tree foliage and fruit |
Puka Tree foliage and fruit |
Puka Tree foliage and fruit |
Goat Is. Marine Reserve beach |
Ship Creek forest walking track |
Mahinapua walkway, Hokitika |
Bannockburn Sluicings Reserve |
Kowhai tree flowers |
Kowhai tree flowers |
Kowhai tree flowers |
Kowhai tree flowers |
Kowhai tree flowers |
Kowhai tree flowers |
Awhitu Peninsula farmland, Waiuku |
Mission Bay Park, Auckland |
Kohekohe tree forest, native |
Pukatea tree, NZ native |
Spey Valley, Fiordland National Park |
Cabbage tree, Ti Kouka, foliage |
Looking along trunk cabbage tree |
Papamoa Beach Access, Bay of Plenty |
Papamoa Beach, Bay of Plenty |
Papamoa Beach, Bay of Plenty |
Papamoa Beach, Bay of Plenty |
Fan Palms, Papamoa Beach |
Cyclone damage, plantation forests |
Cyclone damage, plantation forests |
Cyclone damage, plantation forests |
Cyclone damage, plantation forests |
Cyclone damage, plantation forests |
Cyclone damage, plantation forests |
Cyclone damage, plantation forests |
Cyclone damage, plantation forests |
Cyclone damage, plantation forests |
Palmerston memorial, Otago |
Palmerston memorial, Otago |
Cabbage tree, Ti Kouka, foliage |
Pakiri Beach, Northland |
Kowhai tree flowers pattern |
NZ Kahikatea Tree |
Rainforest canopy, South Westland |
Rainforest canopy, South Westland |
Rainforest canopy, South Westland |
Rainforest canopy, South Westland |
Rainforest canopy, South Westland |
Rainforest canopy, South Westland |
Rainforest canopy, South Westland |