Historic sluicing cannon |
Central Otago sluicing cannon |
Historic gold mining artefact |
Historic quartz stamper, Tarras |
Central Otago historic gold mine |
Central Otago historic gold mine |
Tourist visiits historic mining site |
Central Otago historic gold mine |
Modern day mobile gold dredging |
Signage at Historic mine site |
Visiting gallery about Sir Ed |
Sir Eds Tractor at Mt Cook |
Tourist viewing Hillary Gallery |
farming tractor |
Ploughing tractor going uphill |
Ploughing farmland |
Ploughing farmland near forest |
Ohakuri Dam, Waikato |
Curious King Penguin with egg |
Not my egg |
Investigating abandoned egg |
Shipwreck relic, Sub-Antarctic Is |
Shipwreck relic, Sub-Antarctic Is |
Shipwreck relic, Sub-Antarctic Is |
Sandy Bay, Enderby Is. |
Sandy Bay, Enderby Is. |
Penguin digestors, Macquarie Is. |
Elephant seals, Macquarie Is. |
King Penguin chick moulting |
King Penguin chick moulting |
King Penguin chick moulting |
Southern Giant Petrel |
Southern Giant Petrel |
Gentoo Penguin chicks sleeping |
Gentoo Penguin chick sleeping |
Sleeping Gentoo Penguin on beach |
Gentoo Penguin |
Gentoo Penguin and chick |
Gentoo Penguins |
Gentoo Penguin juveniles |
Gentoo Penguin juveniles |
Gentoo Penguin creche |
Gentoo Penguin creche |
Gentoo Penguin creche |
Cape Petrel |
Cape Petrel taking off |
Macquarie Shag |
Light mantled Sooty Albatross |
Auckland Is. Snipe |
Auckland Is. Snipe |
Auckland Is. Snipe |
Endangered Auckland Is Snipe |
Auckland Is. Shags |
Endangered Teal duck |
Auckland Is. Teal |
Bull sea lion chasing penguins |
Cute sea lion pup |
Young pup playing with flipper |
Female Sea Lion nursing pup |
Fighting Hooker Sealion bulls |