Gisborne |
Gisborne |
Gisborne |
Watch out for the wildlife!! |
Watch out for the wildlife!! |
Shackleton's graveside South Georgia |
Poster noting end of Falklands War |
Swimming between the flags |
Shackelton's grave, South Georgia |
Towing caravan on Desert Road |
Desert Road summer, SH1 |
Driving on Crown Range |
Driving on the Crown Range |
Shackleton's Ross Sea party cross |
Road hazard sign for winter snow |
Baches at Lake Clearwater |
Danger sign at Waiouru |
No Hunting sign |
'Dogs Shot ' sign on farm |
Trout statue at entrance to Taupo |
Subantarctic grave, General Grant |
Shipwreck grave, Sub-Antarctic is |
Freight train and road |
DOC sign damage |
Vandalised DOC signage |
Poison sign - rabbits |
Scott's hut, Antarctica |
Scott's hut, Antarctica |
Memorial, WW2 climber ,Tararuas |
Mt Hector summit, Tararuas |
Trampers pass memorial, Tararuas |
Signpost Twin Coast Discovery |
Memorial to the Nella Dan ship |
Diesel fuel tanks, Macquarie Is |
Diesel fuel tanks, Macquarie Is |
GPS unit, Antarctic latitude line |
British Flag Proclamation, 1931 |
British Flag proclamation 1931 |
Mawson's historic notation read |
Mawson's proclamation, 1931 |
Orongorongo Track, Remutaka |
Tramping in the Remutakas |
Trampers, Remutaka Forest Park |
Rainbow Warrior sculpture |
Hokianga Arch of Remembrance |
Hokianga Arch of Remembrance, |
Dolphin Opo's gravestone |
Dolphin Opo's memorial sculpture |
Dolphin Opo's memorial sculpture |
Dolphin Opo's memorial sculpture |
Dolphin Opo's memorial sculpture |
Trounson Kauri Park info kiosk |
Trounson Kauri Park info kiosk |
Trounson Kauri Park info kiosk |
Trounson Kauri Park info kiosk |
'Overseas' signpost near beach |
Shoes on a tree, Kaipara |
Gravel Road alert signpost |
Ruapekapeka Pa carved entrance |
Ruapekapeka Pa carved entrance |