Juvenile male Leopard Seal |
Tourist in Zodiac with Leopard Seal |
Sleeping Leopard Seal |
Leopard Seal on ice |
Leopard Seal on ice |
Sleeping Leopard Seal |
Sleeping Leopard Seal |
Sleeping Leopard Seal |
Leopard seal lying in excrement |
Leopard seal lying in poo |
Resting leopard seal |
Leopard seal resting on ice |
Resting leopard seal |
Leopard seal contemplating swim |
Leopard seal on sea ice |
Mature male leopard seal swimming |
Leopard Seal female resting on snow |
Relaxed Leopard Seal |
Sandy Bay, Enderby Is. |
Sandy Bay, Enderby Is. |
Elephant seals, Macquarie Is. |
Bull sea lion chasing penguins |
NZ Sealion mating elephant seals |
Sea lion bull watching rival male |
Cute sea lion pup |
Young pup playing with flipper |
Hooker Sea lion with new born |
Young pup harrassed by Adult Male |
NZ Sea lion cannibalism attack |
Adult Sea Lion Bull Bullying pup |
Violent bull attacking new born |
NZ Sea lion bull harrasing pup |
Adult NZ Sea Lions fighting |
Female Sea Lion nursing pup |
NZ Sea lion mum and pup |
Fighting Hooker Sealion bulls |
Territorial fighting |
Southern Elepant Seal |
Southern elephant seal |
Lazy elephant seal |
Young seals with raised flipper |
Sleeping elephant seals |
Young Southern Elephant seals |
Young seals and Giant Petrels |
Resting baby seals |
Happy elephant seal |
Young elephant seal on sand |
Happy elephant seal juvenile |
Sleepy young elephant seal |
Big eyed elephant seal |
Curious elephant seal |
Cute juvenile elephant seal |
Sleeping elephant seals |
NZ Fur seal |
Penguins & seals, Macquarie Is |
Weddell Seal on ice |
Weddell Seal on ice |
Leopard Seal with dead penguin |
Leopard seal killing penguin |
Leopard seal lunging for penguin |