Snowboarding behind ute |
Snowboarding behind utility |
Snowboarding behind ute |
Footprints close to sandstone cliff |
NZ flax weaving |
Abstract flax weaving |
Criss-crossed flax weaving |
Humorous sign |
Skippers Canyon - BEWARE! |
Sheep versus dog |
Cattle seeking shade from tree |
Lone native podocarp |
Looking out on rainy day |
Marae, Rotorua |
Neil Dawson Sculpture in square |
Christchurch Cathedral Square |
Dead possum on road |
Possum on road |
View over cleared land for dairy |
Cleared land for Dairy |
Maori carving in public park |
Curious King Penguin with egg |
Not my egg |
Investigating abandoned egg |
Sleeping Gentoo Penguin on beach |
Southern Elepant Seal |
NZ native whitebait |
Shoreline rubbish |
Clothing up for cold |
Dog jumping for frisbee |
Dog tucker on the farm |
Beach glass - recycle |
Beach glass - litter |
Fiordland tarn, tramping |
Fiordland tarns, tramping |
Circular star tracks, night sky |
Penguins & tourist watching |
Elephant seal fore flipper |
Elephant Seals wallow in the mud |
Southern Elephant Seal on road |
King Penguins in breeding colony |
King penguin with egg |
King Penguin adults and young |
Three King penguins, Macquarie Is |
King Penguins , Macquarie Island |
King Penguins pair, Macquarie Is |
King penguin pair, Macquarie Is |
Royal Penguins fighting |
Royal Penguins mutual grooming |
Royal Penguins fighting in water |
Southern Elephant Seals fighting |
Chinstrap penguin, Antarctica |
Line of Adelie penguins on snow |
Line of Adelie penguins on snow |
Wgtn City Gallery |
Rainbow Warrior sculpture |
Rainbow Warrior sculpture |
Rainbow Warrior sculpture |
Rainbow Warrior sculpture |
Rainbow Warrior sculpture |