Campers at Fantail Bay |
Campers at Fletcher Bay Camp |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Camping at Fantail Bay |
Electricity power lines |
Electricity power lines |
Catapillar eating garden plant |
White butterfly and caterpillar |
White caterpillar and butterfly |
White butterfly - garden pest |
White butterfly - garden pest |
Historic Ophir Bridge |
Historic Ophir Bridge |
Summer camping at Port Jackson |
Summer camping on Coromandel |
Camping at Port Jackson |
Camping on the Coromandel |
Summer camping at Port Jackson |
Summer campers at Port Jackson |
Summer camping at Port Jackson |
Summer camping at Port Jackson |
Summer camping at Port Jackson |
Camping on the Coromandel |
Picnic site at Port Jackson |
Towing caravan on Desert Road |
Desert Road summer, SH1 |
Driving on Crown Range |
Driving on the Crown Range |
Grader clearing heavy snow from road |
Dangerous road conditions |
Setting off for pig hunting at dawn |
Using tracking device to find dogs |
Tracking pig dogs |
Setting off for a pig hunt at dawn |
Road hazard sign for winter snow |
Snow along highway verges |
Main street of Waiouru in winter |
Slip, slop, slap -applying sunscreen |
Parked cars at Matukituki |
Pest heather plant, Tongariro |
Transmission tower |
Ship pollution |
Lonely electricty pole |
Cruise ship creating pollution |
State Highway 6 |
Buller Gorge roadway |
Narrow roadway by Buller River |
Cars driving through Buller Gorge |
Pylons in hill country |
4 x 4 on gravel road |
Driving in early morning |
Night time driving |
Bridge crossing the Haast River |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |
Aerial 1080 operation |