Ahuriri River, MacKenzie Basin |
Kaikoura beach |
River crossing |
River crossing |
Fiordland waterfall |
Milford track walker, Fiordland N.P. |
Milford Track, Clinton River |
Forest stream |
Stewart Island Beach |
Clarence River & Acheron House |
Forest stream |
Waitomo river |
Waitomo river |
Bridal Veil Falls |
Coromandel summer holidays |
Coromandel summer fun |
Lake Waikaremoana |
Pelorus River |
Forest stream, Victoria FP |
Dawson Falls, Mt Taranaki |
Dawson Falls, Mt Taranaki |
Limestone river, Waitomo |
River, Ruakuri Scenic Reserve |
Te Urewera N.P. waterfall |
Te Urewera N.P. rapids |
Trout fisher with fish |
Fisherman with trout just caught |
River cascade |
River cascade |
Redfin bully, NZ native freshwater fish |
Redfin bully |
Native kokopu fish in pool |
Koaro, native fish |
Glassing for chamois Arthurs Pass |
River confluence, Arthur's Pass |
Mountain & rivers, Arthur's Pass |
NZ native freshwater crayfish |
Wilderness stream |
Upper Douglas River, South Westland |
Upper Douglas River, South Westland |
Upper Douglas River, South Westland |
Upper Douglas River, South Westland |
Upper Douglas River, South Westland |
Upper Douglas River, South Westland |
Upper Douglas River, South Westland |
Upper Douglas River, South Westland |
Southern Alps waterfall, Westland |
Douglas Valley, South Westland |
Douglas Valley, South Westland |
Heaphy Track |
River on Heaphy track |
Opapara River near Karamea |
Wilderness River, Karamea |
Forest creek, Buller |
Forest creek, Buller |
Forest creek, Buller |
Trout fishing, South Westland |
Galena Creek, Cobb Valley |
Galena Creek, Cobb Valley |
Wintery Bealey Rv., Arthurs Pass NP |