Hopkins valley, Southern Alps |
Rangitata Valley moods |
Marokopa Coast, Waitomo |
Fox Glacier, Westland |
Rangitata Valley, Mt Potts |
Rangitata Valley, Mt Potts |
Bungy jumper, Taihape |
Waikato River summer panorama |
Storm brewing over farmland |
Field of grain swaying in wind |
Moody farmland panorama |
Lush farmland, Apiti, Manawatu |
White Rock coast, Wairarapa |
Farm fence on ridgeline |
Farm fence on ridgeline |
Whangarei waterfalls |
Kerikeri Stone Store |
Kerikeri Stone Store |
River jet boating, Southland |
Rainbow, Fiordland rocky coast |
Rainbow, Fiordland coast |
Unfurling fern fronds |
Unfurling fern fronds |
Maori carving greenstone pendant |
Water on fence wire |
Water on fence wire |
Water on wire |
Fencing knot and dew |
Wanganui City and River |
Banks Peninsula farmland |
Banks Peninsula farmland |
Banks Peninsula farmland |
Marlborough wilderness |
Marlborough high-country |
Marlborough high country |
Marlborough high country |
Mt Taranaki |
Mt Taranaki |
Fiordland river |
Fiordland river |
Otago country road, Autumn |
Fiordland valley |
Misty river, Mataura |
Morning mist over river |
Hollyford Valley |
Wet rock in river |
Hollyford Road, Fiordland |
Fiordland River |
Fiordland River |
Fiordland River |
Summer fishing, Waikato River |
Summer fishing |
Waikato River |
Blue Duck recovery work |
St James Station, Clarence |
St James Station, Clarence |
Maori welcome |
Maori welcome |
Maori welcome |
Maori welcome |