Blue Springs underwater, Putaruru |
Blue Springs underwater, Putaruru |
Porirua Harbour entrance |
Plimmerton, Porirua City |
Plimmerton, Porirua City |
Waikanae River Mouth |
Waikanae River Mouth and Kapiti Island |
Awatere River, Marlborough |
Porirua Harbours, Paremata Mana |
Clarence River dawn, Marlb. high country |
Petone Wharf at sunrise, Hutt Valley |
Petone Wharf at sunrise, Hutt Valley |
Petone Wharf at sunrise, Hutt Valley |
Faultline exposed by Kaikoura m7.8 quake |
Otago high country, The Branches Stn |
Otago high country, The Branches Stn |
Otago high country, The Branches Stn |
Otago high country, The Branches Stn |
Otago high country, The Branches Stn |
Otago high country, The Branches Stn |
Otago high country, The Branches Stn |
Arrowtown autumn, Otago |
Shotover Valley high country, Otago |
Clutha River, Alexandra, Otago |
Lake Wanaka |
Lake Wanaka |
Clutha River autumn, Albert Town |
Clutha River autumn, Albert Town |
Clutha River autumn panorama, Wanaka |
Clutha River, Albert Town, Otago |
Clutha River, Albert Town, Otago |
High Country mustering merinos, Otago |
High Country mustering merinos, Otago |
High Country muster, Otago |
Shotover River, Otago high country |
Poplar Trees, Otago high country |
Shotover River, Otago high country |
Shotover River, Otago high country |
Poplar Trees, Otago high country |
Poplar Trees, Otago high country |
Poplar Trees, Otago high country |
Marlborough Lines dawn Lake Grassmere |
Lake Taupo marina |
Lake Taupo marina |
Whitebait fish swimming in wetland |
Mt Hooker, above Landsborough valley |
Auckland City skyline dawn |
Auckland City skyline panorama |
Auckland City skyline panorama |
Glenbrook Steel Mill, Waiuku |
Motukaraka community, Hokianga |
Whangape Harbour, Far North |
Rangitikei River cliffs, Mangaweka |
Hamilton City, Waikato River |
Hamilton City, Waikato River |
Waikato dawn, Waiuku Pukekohe |
Power lines, Waikato dawn, Waiuku |
Wellington, with Tararua Ranges snow |
Wellington winter and Tararua Ranges |
Wellington winter and Tararua Ranges |