Emperor Penguins, Antarctica |
Emperor Penguins, Antarctica |
Cape Adare, Ross Sea, Antarctica |
Charles Suisted stables 1848, Otago |
Charles Suisted stables 1848, Otago |
Charles Suisted stables 1848, Otago |
Charles Suisted stables 1848, Otago |
Charles Suisted stables 1848, Otago |
Old farm house |
Old farm house |
Old farm house |
Garden shed |
Greenland village, Maniitsoq |
Greenland village, Maniitsoq |
Greenland village, Maniitsoq |
Whitebaiters shacks, Waikato Rv delta |
Whitebaiters shacks, Waikato Rv delta |
Whitebaiters shacks, Waikato Rv delta |
Whitebaiters shacks, Waikato Rv delta |
Whitebaiters shacks, Waikato Rv delta |
Whitebaiters shacks, Waikato Rv delta |
Old farm house, Waikato |
Shearing shed detail |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Svalbard landscape, high arctic |
Arctic sea ice, Svalbard |
Arctic sea ice, Svalbard |
Polar bear on sea ice, Svalbard |
Walruses, Svalbard |
Walruses, Svalbard |
Bearded seal, Arctic Svalbard |
Greenlandic iceberg pillar |
Greenlandic iceberg window |
Greenlandic iceberg pillar |
Greenlandic iceberg pillar |
Greenlandic iceberg |
Common guillemots, Svalbard |
Common guillemots, Svalbard |
Common guillemots, Svalbard |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Bear Island, Svalbard |
Little auks, Svalbard |
Little auks, Svalbard |
Hunters hut, Arctic Svalbard |
Capt Scott memorial, Port Chalmers |
Nelson's heritage precinct South St |
Tabular iceberg Antarctica |
The Snares Islands NZ sub Antarctic |
The Snares Islands NZ sub Antarctic |
Auckland Islands castaway depot |
Auckland Islands castaway depot |
Auckland Islands castaway depot |
Tarndale cob homestead, Molesworth |
Tarndale cob homestead, Molesworth |
Tarndale, old hut, Molesworth |