NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
NZ Cedar, Kaikawaka seedling |
Red Beech forest canopy |
Cattle grazing amongst native forest |
Mahoe trees |
Mahoe trees |
Kauri tree bark, young tree |
South Waikato farmland and forest |
Makuri River Gorge, Northen Wairarapa |
Makuri River Gorge, Northen Wairarapa |
Nikau Palms from above |
Windfall damage in native forest |
Windfall damage in native forest |
Northern Rata tree aerial |
Forest canopy from above |
Forest canopy from above |
Totara forest edge |
Totara forest edge |
Totara forest edge |
Native Lancewood, adult and juvenile |
Beehives |
Northern Rata tree |
Dead Rimu tree |
Rimu tree giant |
Rimu tree giant |
Rewarewa tree flowers, NZ native |
Rewarewa tree flowers, NZ native |
Rewarewa tree flowers, NZ native |
Rewarewa tree flowers, NZ native |
Kawaka leaves and cones |
Kawaka leaves and cones |
Bog Pine leaves, NZ native tree |
Bog Pine leaves, NZ native tree |
Kowhai tree in flower |
Kowhai tree in flower |
Kowhai tree in flower |
Kowhai tree in flower |
Kowhai tree in flower |
Cabbage tree foliage, NZ native tree |
Biggest Totara tree, Pureora Forest |
Biggest Totara tree, Pureora Forest |
Old Rimu tree stump, Pureora Forest |
Old Rimu tree stump, Pureora Forest |
Fallen Rimu tree trunk growing life |
Fallen Rimu tree trunk |
Path through rainforest, Pureora |
Forest mosses |
Forest mosses |
Tawa tree trunks and moss. Pureora |
Tawa tree trunks and moss. Pureora |
Tawa trees, moody forest, Pureora FP |
Kauri forest canopy, Northland |
Kauri Tree crown, Waipoua forest |
Kauri forest cloud lifting, Northland |
Kauri forest cloud lifting, Northland |