Kahikatea seedling, NZ native tree |
Totara tree seedling |
Totara tree seedling |
NZ Mahoe tree fruiting |
Rimu tree foliage |
Kauri tree leaves and cone |
Kauri tree leaves |
Karaka Tree leaves and berries |
Kanuka forest canopy |
Kanuka forest canopy |
Kanuka forest canopy |
Kanuka forest canopy |
Kanuka forest canopy sunburst |
Kanuka forest canopy sunburst |
Kanuka forest canopy |
Kanuka forest canopy |
Kanuka forest canopy |
Dreamy NZ forest roundel |
Native hebe shrub, Hebe townsonii |
Native hebe shrub, Hebe townsonii |
Native Kamahi flowers |
Bumblebee on Manuka flowers |
Bumblebee on Manuka flowers |
Manuka seed capsules |
Native Totara tree bark |
Totara tree bark, NZ native |
Silver Beech forest |
Tarata (Lemonwood) leaves in sun |
Matai, Black Pine, leaves |
Matai, Black Pine, leaves |
Pittosporum patulum |
Pittosporum patulum |
Pittosporum patulum |
Pittosporum patulum |
Westland Quintinia |
NZ Pimelea flowers |
NZ Pimelea flowers |
NZ Pimelea flowers |
Kiekie flowers |
Kiekie flowers |
Kiekie in flower |
Kiekie in flower |
Kiekie in flower |
Kanuka flowers |
Kaikomako flower buds |
Kaikomako flower buds |
Cudweed flowers, NZ native |
Mother & child on a walk |
Mother & child on a walk |
Native NZ groundsel flowers |
Native NZ groundsel flowers |
NZ Hard Beech leaf |
NZ Hard Beech leaves |
Red Beech leaves on forest floor |
Red Beech leaves on forest floor |
Forest floor litter and detritus |
Red Beech forest |
Red Beech forest |
Red Beech forest interior |
Red Beech forest interior |