Tree fern fronds |
Mountain Toatoa leaves |
Narrow leaved Mahoe |
Narrow leaved Mahoe |
Tourists relaxing in Milford Sound |
Tourists relaxing in Milford Sound |
Toetoe fronds in wind |
Toetoe blowing in wind |
Toetoe blowing in wind |
Flax flowers |
Native orchids |
Native Xmas Orchids |
Native orchids |
NZ flax seeds and pods |
Native Orchid |
Creeping fuchsia |
Totara bark |
Totara bark |
Tui bird and Kowhai flowers |
Kauri tree leaves |
NZ Lilac flower |
Karaka flowers |
Lemonwood flowers |
Lemonwood flowers, native |
Lemonwood flowers, native |
Lemonwood flowers, native |
Lemonwood flowers |
Wharangi seeds |
Fruiting lichen |
Coprosma Domatia |
Lemonwood foliage |
Lemonwood |
Totara bark |
Rimu leaves |
Tree fern bark |
Jew's Ear Fungus |
Jew's Ear Fungus |
Kowhai tree leaves |
Rata aerial roots |
Rata aerial roots |
Rata tree bark |
Lanternberry |
Tmesipteris, Dinosaur plant. |
Kauri branches |
Flax base |
Rewarewa seeds |
Rewarewa seeds |
Native tree Fuchsia |
Stilbocarpa lyallii |
Cabbage tree flowers |
Astelia fruiting |
NZ Clematis |
Native broom seeds |
Winika, native orchid |
NZ native orchid |
Native sun orchid |
Wineberry makomako leaves |
Tutu leaves and fruit |
Onion leaved orchid |
Karaka leaves |
Images 3001 to 3060 of 3630 |