The Old Man Range |
The Old Man Range |
The Old Man Range |
The Old Man Range |
Wilding Pine trees and seedlings |
Wilding Pine trees and seedlings |
Pingao, native sand-dune plant |
Te Waihou Walkway, Blue Springs |
Red clover flower |
Scotch thistle flower |
NZ Hard Beech leaf |
NZ Hard Beech leaves |
Red Beech leaves on forest floor |
Red Beech leaves on forest floor |
Forest floor litter and detritus |
Red Beech forest |
Red Beech forest |
Red Beech forest interior |
Red Beech forest interior |
Red Beech forest canopy |
Hawkweed and sweet briar weeds |
Canoeists at Mangapurua Landing |
Visitors at the Bridge to Nowhere |
Sheep and spring lambs |
Tree ferns and forest |
Tree ferns and forest |
Red Gate Hut |
Red Gate Hut |
Ivanhoe Stanley Augarde grave |
Ivanhoe Stanley Augarde grave |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
NZ meadow plants, micro cosmos |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Micro-cosmos of grass/flowers |
Ok Adit - Big River mine |
Ship Creek forest walking track |
Hieracium Hawkweed pasture |
Native Whau flowers |
Lotus plant |
Lotus plant |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Hieracium plant and flowers |
Matagouri shrub in flower |
Putaputaweta/marbleleaf tree |
Parapara tree foliage |
Hail stones amongst silverbeet |
Titoki Tree, NZ native tree |
Possum in cabbage tree |
Secretary Island, Southland |
Secretary Island, Southland |
Hopedale, Nunatsiavut, Canada |
Polar bear skins, Nunavut, Canada |
Blue borage flowers |