Trampers, Campbell Island |
Trampers, Campbell Island |
Photographing plants Campbell Is |
Trampers, Campbell Island |
Tourist & camera, Campbell Is |
Cameras on albatross, Campbell Is |
Boardwalk, Campbell Island |
Native Koaro fish, Sth Westland |
Trout fishing by kayak, Wairoa |
Kayaker on Lake Waikaremoana |
Hot air balloonist, Wairarapa |
Man inflating hot air balloon |
16 hot air balloons ready to rise |
Hot air balloons ascent Carterton |
Skateboarder |
Pigeon Park, downtown Wellington |
Greengrocer shop,Wellington |
Coffee drinkers, Wellington cafe |
Dragon boat capsize, Wellington |
Dragon boats ready to race |
Dragon Boat racing, Wellington |
Gliding over Kapiti Island |
Cab of chartered steam engine |
Horse & buggy in vineyard |
Beach fishing |
Touch Rugby |
Sam Genet sculpture, Wellington |
Downtown Wellington pedestrians |
Scorching Bay, Wellington |
Fishing, Wellington South Coast |
Town Hall crowd, Wellington |
Fisherman and trout, Westland |
Flyfishing, South Westland River |
Trout fishing, South Westland |
Playing a trout, Westland river |
Trout release in a Westland river |
Trout landing in a Westland river |
Fly fishing, Westland |
Trout fishing, Karamea |
Fly fishing for trout in river |
Late afternoon fish, Buller River |
Kayaker in Gorge |
Trout fishing. South Westland |
Trout fisherman, South Westland |
Trout fishing, Tongariro River |
Lewis Pass tent site |
Cup of tea at camp, Lewis Pass |
Trout fishing, Taupo |
River crossing while fishing |
Trout fishing, waist deep in pool |
Native fish research |
Alpine tramper |
Tramping |
Chamois hunting |
Alpine hunting |
Chamois hunting |
Chamois hunting |
Tramping, Southern Alps |
Tramping |
Lake Douglas |