Bridge to Nowhere walkers |
Bridge to Nowhere walkers |
Bridge to Nowhere walkers |
Bridge to Nowhere walkers |
Bridge to Nowhere jetboating |
Portrait, Joe Adams, Whanganui Rv |
Calf ear tagging |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Honey collection, Moleswoth Station |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Mustering cattle, Molesworth Station |
Stockman on horseback |
Stockman on horseback |
Picnic at Molesworth Station |
Picnic at Molesworth Station |
Geoff Swift/Molesworth Station Tours |
Geoff Swift/Molesworth Station Tours |
Jet boat ride on Whanganui River |
Climber on Mt Taranaki |
Inside engine shed/Big River mine |
Cattle in the Tarndale cattleyards |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle heifers for TB |
Testing cattle in yards |
Jeep climbing over "Devil's Gate" |
Visitors going to Cape Kidnappers |
Visitors going to Cape Kidnappers |
Cathedral Cove with sea kayakers |
Mahinapua walkway, West Coast |
Horse and buggy |
Trout fishers, Mavora Lakes |
Deer hunter cooking in tent |
Ships staff in Antarctica |
Returning to camp with trophy |
Returning to camp with trophy head |
Hunter walking with trophy head |
Walking back to camp with trophy |
Hunter carrying trophy home at night |
Catching the waves, Whiritoa Beach |
Rob Suisted and NZ falcon |
Young photographer with Cave Weta |
Tourist photographing penguins |
Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Volunteers planting out seedlings |
Shackleton's graveside South Georgia |
Hunter looking over river valley |
Hunter looking over river valley |
Looking over river valley, Fiordland |
Fiordland lunch stop, hunting |
Hunter looking out over Glaisnock |
Bugling to rutting deer |
Bugling to rutting deer in hills |
Bulging to rutting deer in valley |
Lone hunter bugling to rutting deer |
Hunter looking across valley |
Hunter using binoculars to spot deer |
Hunter using binoculars to find deer |