Fishing, South Wairarapa coast |
Fishing, South Wairarapa coast |
Scorching Bay, Wellington |
Fishing, Wellington |
Walker at Fish River Gorge |
Trout release, river, Westland |
Trout fisher with fish |
Trout fishing |
Trout fishing, river, Westland |
Fly fisher, Westland |
Flyfishing |
River kayaking, South Westland |
Trout fishing, river, Westland |
Trout fishing, river, Westland |
Fishing, Westland river |
Fisherman and brown trout caught |
Trout fishing |
Preparing for trout fishing |
trout fishing, South Westland |
Fly casting - fishing for trout |
Netting a trout in deep pool |
Trout fishing, South Westland |
Ready to net a trout caught |
Kayaker, Karamea River rapids |
Kayaker, Karamea River rapids |
Hand feeding young cattle |
Trout fishing |
Kayaker with trout, Westland |
Trout fishing from a kayak |
Kayaker trout fishing in grotto |
Trout fishing |
Fisherman with trout just caught |
Lewis Pass |
Lewis Pass tramping |
Boiling billy, Lewis Pass camp |
Hunter seeking game, Lewis Pass |
Trout fisher, Tongariro River |
Watching native kokopu fish |
Glassing for chamois Arthurs Pass |
Trout fishing, South Westland |
Trout fishing, South Westland |
Playing a trout on the line |
Trout fishing, South Westland |
Alpine hunting |
Southern Alps |
Kaikoura Mountain hut |
Lewis Pass |
Alpine camping, Lewis Pass |
Hunting, Whataroa Valley headwaters, S. Westland |
Wilderness Fiordland |
Fiordland waterfall |
Tukituki River |
Frog kiss |
Water taxi driver, Lake Te Anau |
Edward Ellison, Kai Tahu |
Hybrid parakeet specimens, Te Papa |
Hybrid parakeet specimens, Te Papa |
Kakabeak conservation, Hawkes Bay |
Kakabeak conservation, Hawkes Bay |
Kakabeak conservation, Hawkes Bay |