Alpine camping |
Alpine camping |
Hiker having breakfast at camp |
Surfing at Lyall Bay Wellington |
Surfers at Lyall Bay |
Riding the waves at Lyall Bay |
Walking along historic track |
Waterfall on historic train track |
Sea fisherman with catch |
Hurricanes supporters and player |
Rugby Super 14 game, Hurr vs Crus |
Rugby Super 14 game, Hurr vs Crus |
Rugby Super 14 game, Hurr vs Crus |
Ruakuri Cave, Waitomo Caves |
Visiting Ruakuri Cave |
Ruakuri Cave, Waitomo Caves |
Ruakuri Cav, Waitomo Caves |
Waitomo Caves -Ruakuri Cave |
Waitomo Caves -Ruakuri Cave |
Bridge swinging, Taihape |
Tasman Valley, Mt Cook N.P. |
Tasman Valley, Mt Cook N.P. |
Tasman Valley, Mt Cook N.P. |
Tasman Valley, Mt Cook N.P. |
Tasman Valley, Mt Cook N.P. |
Tasman Valley, Mt Cook N.P. |
Tasman Glacier lookout |
Tasman Glacier lookout |
Biking in Central Otago, Macetown |
Macetown historic building |
Teams competing in dragon boats |
Dragon boat team cheer at win |
Family viewing hot pools |
Young couple hugging in evening |
Young couple hugging on coast |
Makara Gun emplacement Walkway |
Summer car camping |
Summer camping holiday |
Drag net fishing for Kahawai |
People whitebaiting |
Fixing 4x4 |
Fixing 4x4 |
Beach fishing, Wairarapa |
Man sea fishing from sandy beach |
Beach fishing, Wairarapa |
Fishing on coast |
Gathering shellfish |
Mountain biking, Wgtn south coast |
Beach fishing, Wgtn |
Enjoying the coast, Paremata |
Mountain bikes above Cook Strait |
Mountain bikes above Wellington |
Mountain bikes above Wellington |
People on Wellington Coast |
Peopel visiting Wgtn Coast |
Person and dog on beach |
Family tramping trip |
Tramper on ridge, Lake Te Anau |
Dawn campsite, valley, Fiordland |
Dawn campsite, valley, Fiordland |