Worker harvesting grapes off vines |
Grapes being harvested from vines |
Harvesting grapes from the vines |
Picking grapes at harvest time |
Harvesting grapes during Autumn |
Picking grapes at harvest time |
Harvesting grapes from the vine |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Freshly picked grapes |
Picking the grapes |
Grape vines ready for harvest |
Autumnal colours at harvest time |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest on vine |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for picking at harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Iconic NZ silverfern |
Closeup of red clover flower |
Red clover flowers |
Pink flower of the red clover |
Pink flower of the red clover plant |
Black Beech tree flowers |
Blooming Rata Vine |
Rata vine in bloom |
Gardening at home |
Vegetable gardening at home |
Row of corn in field |
Corn crops drying in field |
Crops of corn |
Stand of Poplar trees in sun |
Foliage of the Radiata Pine |
Foliage of the radiata pine |
Foliage of the radiata pine |
Radiata pine foliage |
Foliage of the radiata pine |
Leaves blowing in wind |
Leaves blowing in wind |
Strong winds blowing leaves |
Leaves blowing in strong wind |
Blurred leaves of cabbage tree |
Wind swept Mahoe Tree |
Movement of leaves in wind |
Storm blowing leaves on tree |
Strong winds blowing leaves |
Autumn on farmland |
Sheep on pasture at Autumn |
Sheep grazing on autumn pasture |
Mount Cook & Lake Pukaki |
Aoraki & Lake Pukaki |
Lace like fern fronds |
Fern fronds |
Tourists resting at Queenstown |