Rimu leaves |
Rosemary flowers |
Blackberry spines |
Ragwort |
Ragwort |
Kowhai tree leaves |
Frosted broom |
Rata tree bark |
Kauri branches |
Rewarewa seeds |
Rewarewa seeds |
Ice plant - Introduced |
Introduced Ice plant |
Ice plant, introduced |
Ice Plant, introduced |
Nightshade weed |
Native tree Fuchsia |
Wilding pine trees |
Wilding Pine tree problem |
Wilding pine trees |
Ngaio leaf |
Stilbocarpa lyallii |
Post Office cove and wharf |
Te Waewae Bay, Southland |
Ragwort infestation |
Ragwort paddock |
Wineberry makomako leaves |
Grass head |
Tutu leaves and fruit |
Farm dogs on four wheeled bike |
Dock laves |
Pasture flowers |
Smooth Catsear |
Karaka leaves |
Clover leaves |
NZ Mistletoe |
Silver beech leaves |
Beech tree growth - Silver beech |
Insect browsing, Astelia |
Speargrass spikes |
Whipcord Hebe |
Yound red beech leaves |
Matagouri |
Plant pests |
Plant pests |
Pasture buttercup |
Pasture buttercup |
Pasture buttercup |
Buttercup |
Kauri Forest |
Truck topdressing fertiliser |
Fennel |
Libertia leaves |
Kowhai trees |
Kowhai flowering |
Kowhai tress |
Giant Sequoia trees, USA |
Half Dome, Yosemite, USA |
Half DOme, Yosemite, USA |
Pack Horses, Yosemite, USA |
Images 6001 to 6060 of 6916 |