Fishing and shellfish collection, Porirua Harbour |
Fishing and shellfish collection, Porirua Harbour |
Fishing and shellfish collection, Porirua Harbour |
Whitireia Park, Tithi Bay, Porirua |
Whitireia Park, Tithi Bay, Porirua |
Pauatahanui Wildlife Reserve, Porirua Harbour |
Ward beach looking North, Marlborough |
Uplifted beach, Kaikoura m7.8 eqnz |
Titahi Bay and surf boats |
Titahi Bay and surf boats |
Titahi Bay and surf boats |
Cape Horn lighthouse station, Chile |
Cape Horn lighthouse station, Chile |
Marine Reserve markers, Kapiti |
Stormwater pipes on beach |
Stormwater pipes exposed by storm, Waikanae |
Flax, Kapiti Coast |
Cape Horn, Chile |
Cape Horn, Chile |
Cape Horn, Chile |
Cape Horn, Chile |
Cape Horn, Chile |
Golden Point historic mine, Macraes Flat |
Golden Point historic mine, Macraes Flat |
Golden Point historic mine, Macraes Flat |
Golden Point historic mine, Macraes Flat |
Golden Point historic mine, Macraes Flat |
Huntly power station |
Dairy milking, rotary shed |
Dairy milking, rotary shed |
Dairy milking, rotary shed |
Dairy milking |
Dairy milking |
Dairy milking |
Dairy milking |
Dairy milking shed |
Dairy milking shed |
Dairy milking shed |
Dairy milking shed |
Greenland village, Maniitsoq |
Greenland village, Maniitsoq |
Greenland village, Maniitsoq |
Wine barrels stacked at winery |
Wine barrels stacked at winery |
Wine barrels stacked at winery |
Wine barrels stacked at winery |
Wine barrels stacked at winery |
Wine barrels in cellar |
Kapiti Island from Pukerua Bay hills |
Paekakariki Escarpment Track |
Paekakariki Escarpment Track |
Paekakariki Escarpment Track |
Paekakariki Escarpment Track |
Paekakariki Escarpment Track |
Paekakariki Escarpment Track |
Old fuel pump |
George Skjellerup memorial, Grassmere |
Irrigation channel, Cromwell |
Train passing Lake Grassmere |
Lake Ellesmere Te Waihora, Canterbury |