Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Bounty Islands, remote NZ islands |
Albatross watching, Cook Strait |
Albatross watching, Cook Strait |
Native Pingao, Papamoa Beach, BoP |
Taieri Mouth, Otago |
Taieri Mouth, Otago |
Taieri Mouth, Otago |
Taieri Mouth, Otago |
Taieri Mouth, Otago |
Taieri Mouth, Otago |
Taieri Mouth, Otago |
Taieri Mouth, Otago |
Tuamoto Is., Poverty Bay |
Tuamoto Is., Poverty Bay |
Tuamoto Is., Poverty Bay |
Northen Royal Albatross |
Mana Island and Cook Strait |
Mana Island and Cook Strait |
Cook Strait dawn, with ferry |
Cook Strait dawn, with ferry |
Wellington South Coast dawn |
Wellington South Coast dawn |
Windy Wellington South Coast |
Windy Wellington South Coast |
Windy Wellington South Coast |
Mahia Coast, Old Mans Hat Rock |
Cook Strait coastal water mixing, Wgtn |
Cook Strait coastal water mixing, Wgtn |
Cook Strait coastal water mixing, Wgtn |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Motukiekie Rocks, Punakaiki Coast |
Mussel farming, Port Underwood, Marlborough |
Mussel farming, Port Underwood, Marlborough |
Bird Island, Dunedin South Coast |
Burneys beach, Arapawa Is., Marlb |
Burneys beach and Wharehunga Bay, Arapawa Is. |
Cook Strait from Cook's lookout, Bald Hill |
Cook Strait from Cook's lookout, Bald Hill |
Cook's lookout from Bald Hill, Arapawa Island |
Cook's lookout from Bald Hill, Arapawa Island |
Onauku Bay, Arapawa Is., Marlborough Sds |
Motuara Is., Marlborough Sounds |
Cannibal Cove, Marlborough Sounds |
Horahora Kakahu, Port Underwood |
Port Underwood, Marlborough |
Port Underwood, Marlborough |
Horahora Kakahu, Port Underwood |
Wellington harbour mouth, Baring Head |
Wellington harbour mouth, Baring Head |
Cape Foulwind Walkway, Westport |
InterIslander ferry, Tory Channel, Marlb. Sds |
Multiple land use, Marlborough Sounds |
Patten Passage, Queen Charlotte Sound |
Patten Passage, Queen Charlotte Sound |