Ship Cove, Marlborough Sounds |
Ship Cove, Marlborough Sounds |
Ship Cove, Marlborough Sounds |
Ship Cove, Marlborough Sounds |
Cannibal Cove, Marlborough Sounds |
Cannibal Cove, Marlborough Sounds |
Cannibal Cove, Marlborough Sounds |
Horahora Kakahu, Port Underwood |
Horahora Kakahu, Port Underwood |
Horahora Kakahu, Port Underwood |
Port Underwood and Oyster Bay, Marlborough |
Port Underwood and Oyster Bay, Marlborough |
Wellington Harbour entrance, Baring Head |
Tauranga Bay Walkway, Westport |
Tauranga Bay Walkway, Westport |
Paekakariki township, Kapiti Coast |
Paekakariki township, Kapiti Coast |
Paekakariki sunset, Kapiti Island |
Paekakariki sunset, Kapiti Island |
Blumine Island, Marlborough Sounds |
Mt Furneaux above Queen Charlotte Sd |
Mt Furneaux above Queen Charlotte Sd |
Endeavour Inlet, Queen Charlotte, Marlb. Sds |
Picton, Marlborough Sounds |
Picton, Marlborough Sounds |
Picton, Marlborough Sounds |
Inner Queen Charlotte Sound, Marlb. Sds |
Inner Queen Charlotte Sound, Marlb. Sds |
Inner Queen Charlotte Sound, Marlb. Sds |
Arapawa Island, Tory Channel, Marlb. Sds |
Arapawa Island, Tory Channel, Marlb. Sds |
Arapawa Island, Tory Channel, Marlb. Sds |
Arapawa Island, Tory Channel, Marlb. Sds |
Blumine Is., Queen Charlotte Sound |
Wharehunga Bay, Arapawa Is, Marlb Sds |
Blumine Is., Queen Charlotte Sound |
Long and Motuara Islands, Queen Charlotte Sd |
Long Island, Queen Charlotte Sound |
Long Island, Queen Charlotte Sound |
Long Island, Queen Charlotte Sound |
Paritutu Rock lookout, New Plymouth |
Paritutu Rock, New Plymouth |
Paritutu Rock, New Plymouth |
Paritutu Rock, New Plymouth |
Paritutu Rock, New Plymouth |
Sugarloaf Islands, New Plymouth |
Sugarloaf Islands, New Plymouth |
Sugarloaf Islands, New Plymouth |
Sugarloaf Islands, New Plymouth |
Cape Egmont light and Mt Taranaki |
Godley Head, Christchurch |
Te Horo Beach and Kapiti Island sunset |
Te Horo Beach and Kapiti Island sunset |
Mt Furneaux above Queen Charlotte Sd |
Mt Furneaux above Queen Charlotte Sd |
Wharehunga Bay, Arapawa Is, Marlb Sds |
Long and Motuara Islands, Queen Charlotte Sd |
Picton, Marlborough Sounds |
Waikawa, Marlborough Sounds |
Baring Head lighthouse, Wellington |