trout fishing, South Westland |
Fly casting - fishing for trout |
Netting a trout in deep pool |
Trout fishing, South Westland |
Ready to net a trout caught |
Trout fishing |
Native Bird & fish from inside a trout |
Kayaker with trout, Westland |
Trout fishing from a kayak |
Kayaker trout fishing in grotto |
Trout fishing |
Fisherman with trout just caught |
Harvestman |
Bumble bee |
Trout fisher, Tongariro River |
Red Admiral butterfly |
Trout fishing, South Westland |
Trout fishing, South Westland |
Playing a trout on the line |
Trout fishing, South Westland |
Trout fishing |
Trout fishing |
Tunnel web spider |
Tunnel web spider |
Magpie Moth |
Tree weta |
Kakabeak seedling snails threat |
Bat tick on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Bat tick on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Bat Mite on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Bat Mite on native NZ Long-tailed bat |
Lake Otamangakau fishing, Tongariro |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Dry fly trout fishing, Lake Taupo |
Aphid |
Red Admiral Butterfly, NZ native |
Red Admiral Butterfly, NZ native |
Tunnel Web Spider tunnel web |
Tunnel Web Spider tunnel web |
Common Copper Butterfly |
Ants underground, native |
Ants underground, native |
Winged ants underground, native |
Native Millipede hibernating |
German wasp hibernating |
Brown trout fishing |
Brown trout fishing |
Trout fishing, Molesworth Station |
Trout fishing, Molesworth Station |
Trout fishing, Molesworth Station |
Speargrass weevil, Alpine, Haast |
Speargrass weevil, Alpine, Haast |