Kihikihi town sculpture, Waikato |
Old farm wire and batten fence |
Old farm wire and batten fence |
Native NZ wood termites |
Native Millipede hibernating, mites |
Planarian worm repelling ants |
Native ants attacking beetle |
Trout fishing nymphs |
Trout fishing nymphs |
Releasing brown trout |
Trout on lure |
Bees swarming on STOP sign |
Bees swarming on STOP sign |
NZ Marbleleaf flowers |
Wild beehive |
Wild beehive |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman |
Fly fisherman looking for trout |
Trout fisherman |
Malcolm Bell and brown trout |
Malcolm Bell and brown trout |
Trout fly fishing rod and reel |
Trout fisherman |
Trout fisherman |
Trout fisherman |
Trout fisherman |
Trout fisherman |
Trout fisherman |
Beekeepers seperating honey frames |
Ichneumon wasp & crab spider |
Ichneumon wasp & crab spider |
Ichneumon wasp & crab spider |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Ichneumon parasitic wasp |
Crab Spider |
Crab Spider |
Crab Spider hunting another spider |
Native NZ Red Admiral butterfly |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Beekeepers collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Beekeeper collecting honey |
Honey collecting bee keepers |
Honey collecting bee keepers |
Honey collecting bee keepers |