Female Crabeater Seal |
Female Crabeater Seal |
Crabeater seal resting on pack ice |
Crabeater sea on pack ice |
Crabeater seal |
Crabeater Seal |
Crabeater Seal |
Crabeater Seal on pack ice |
Crabeater seal on pack ice |
Crabeater seal on pack ice |
Grader clearing heavy snow from road |
Dangerous road conditions |
Resting leopard seal |
Slopes of Mount Erebus |
Mount Erebus, Antarctica |
View of Mount Erebus from Cape Evans |
Mount Erebus in distance |
Native flax bush |
Sphagnum moss textures |
Merino Rams |
Merino rams with lone suffolk |
Farmed deer feeding in pasture |
Winter feeding of farmed deer |
Road hazard sign for winter snow |
Snow along highway verges |
Main street of Waiouru in winter |
National Grid crossing plateau |
Fern fronds against sky |
Frost encrusted fencing wire |
Clay brick footpath |
Brown Skua chick |
Aged totara wood |
US Antarctic tanker ship |
Marine fossils in sandstone |
Octopus suckers |
Suction cups of Octopus |
Optopus suction cups |
Natural patterns of Greywacke |
Weathered greywacke rock patterns |
Rushing air bubbles abstract |
Air bubbles in water |
Air bubbles in water, abstract |
Air bubbles rushing, abstract |
Stone stack |
New Zealand Greenstone |
Poplar tree texture |
Frosted alpine plant |
Antarctic Petrels |
Antarctic Petrels flying |
Shackleton's Hut, Antarctica |
Shackleton's Hut, Antarctica |
Shackleton's Hut boards |
Shackleton's Hut stores |
Barren grape vines |
Trees |
Scott's hut, Antarctica |
Scott's hut, Antarctica |
Icebergs |
Icebergs and polar cap |
Icebergs |