Cattle grazing, Hunua Mangatawhiri |
Cattle grazing, Hunua Mangatawhiri |
Cattle grazing, Hunua Mangatawhiri |
Cattle grazing, Hunua Mangatawhiri |
Cattle grazing, Hunua Mangatawhiri |
Porirua Harbour aerial |
Porirua Harbour aerial |
Porirua Harbour aerial |
Porirua Harbour aerial |
Mature podocarp forest, Central North |
Mature podocarp forest, Central North |
Portrait, cat and owner |
Mt Karioi, Raglan, Waikato |
Mt Karioi, Raglan, Waikato |
Giant Matai tree inside forest |
Giant Matai tree inside forest |
Rangitoto Island, Auckland |
Rangitoto Island, Auckland |
Rangitoto Island, Auckland |
Mt Karioi, Raglan, Waikato |
Mt Karioi, Raglan, Waikato |
Mt Karioi, Raglan, Waikato |
Waiorongomai, Lake Wairarapa |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland and forest remnants |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland and forest remnants |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland and forest remnants |
Waikato farmland and forest remnants |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland and forest remnants |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Waikato farmland, wetland and forest |
Mahia township, Mahia Peninsula |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
Waikato dairy grazing |
Waikato farm land, Otorohanga |
North Hawke's Bay, Lake Rotonuiaha |
North Hawke's Bay farmland |
Looking along cabbage tree trunk |