Shearing gang at work in woolshed |
Shearing gang at work in woolshed |
Historic bush tramway loco, Catlins |
Historic bush tramway loco, Catlins |
Historic bush tramway loco, Catlins |
Balclutha bridge over Clutha River |
Seal & Porpoise meat, Greenland |
Products of sealing in Greenland |
Sale of Minke Whale in Greenland |
Whaling station, South Georgia |
Train crossing viaduct, Ohakune |
Train crossing viaduct, Ohakune |
Hapuawhenua Viaduct |
Hapuawhenua Viaduct |
Hapuawhenua Viaduct |
'Blubber Cookery', South Georgia |
Relics from deserted whaling station |
Looking along track on rail viaduct |
Shackleton's Ross Sea party cross |
Shackleton's Ross Sea party cross |
Shackleton's Ross Sea party cross |
Shackleton's Ross Sea party cross |
Army tank at Waiouru |
Waiouru Army Museum |
Weathered farm gate hook & chain |
Old steam equipment in bush |
Steam boiler from bush forestry |
Old steam boilers in bush |
Old steam boiler on walking track |
Walker on historic train track |
Waterfall onto historic track |
Tourist at Charming Creek |
Old mining site in moonlight |
Remnants of an old mining cottage |
Old stone cottage at Bendigo |
1080 poison operation loading |
1080 poison possum operation |
Historic bush tramway locomotive |
Historic bush tram locomotive |
Historic bush tram locomotive |
Historic rendering plant |
Penguin rendering artefact |
King Penguins on beach |
Historic sluicing cannon |
Central Otago sluicing cannon |
Historic gold mining artefact |
Historic quartz stamper, Tarras |
Central Otago historic gold mine |
Central Otago historic gold mine |
Tourist visiits historic mining site |
Central Otago historic gold mine |
Modern day mobile gold dredging |
Signage at Historic mine site |
Visiting gallery about Sir Ed |
Sir Eds Tractor at Mt Cook |
Tourist viewing Hillary Gallery |
farming tractor |
Ploughing tractor going uphill |
Ploughing farmland |
Ploughing farmland near forest |