Historic suspension bridge, Opotiki |
Historic Ophir Bridge |
Historic Ophir Bridge |
Grader clearing heavy snow from road |
Shackleton's Ross Sea party cross |
Historic Denniston Incline |
Historic Denniston Incline |
Historic Denniston Incline |
Historic Denniston Incline |
Historic Denniston Incline |
Historic Denniston Incline |
Rusting artefact on walking track |
Old Patea freezing works site |
Logging operations |
Close up of historic gold sluice |
Abstract view of mining sluice |
Historic mining artefact |
Logging operations |
Logging operations, wilding pines |
Central Otago historic gold mine |
Modern day mobile gold dredging |
Modern day mobile gold dredging |
Viewing Gold quartz stamper |
Pipes running into power station |
Ohakuri Dam, Waikato |
Ohakuri Dam, Waikato |
Fragment of broken bottle |
Close up of gin bottle fragment |
Historic plant, Auckland Islands |
Historic plant, Auckland Islands |
Subantarctic historic weed |
Subantarctic grave, General Grant |
Shipwreck grave, Sub-Antarctic is |
Penguin digestors, Macquarie Is. |
Macquarie Is. sealing relics |
Historic seal carcass, Antarctica |
Wright's Hill fortress, Wgtn |
Wright's Hill Fortress, Wgtn |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans Hut |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans Hut |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans stores |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans stores |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans stores |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans stores |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans stores |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans stores |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans stores |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans stores |
Capt Scott's Cape Evans stores |
Shackleton's hut shelves |
Shackleton's hut salt supply |
Shackleton's hut food items |
Shackleton's hut lighting plant |
Beach protection works |
Beach protection works |
Woven wool fibres |
Old whalebone toothbrushes |
Penguin bones embedded in dune |
Macquarie Island penguin bones |
Historic Steam digester plant |