Memorial to the Wairau Affray |
Memorial to the Wairau Affray |
Statue of Capt Robert Falcon Scott |
Statue of Capt Robert Falcon Scott |
Capt Scott Statue, Christchurch |
Joshua Morgan's grave, Taranaki |
Joshua Morgan's grave, Taranaki |
Joshua Morgan's grave, Taranaki |
Joshua Morgan's grave, Taranaki |
Kaimai 1963 plane wreck memorial |
Gold mining dredge ruins, Shotover River |
Fishermen memorial, West Coast |
Fishermen memorial, West Coast |
Makara Beach, Wellington, aerial |
Gisborne |
Gisborne |
Gisborne |
Gisborne |
Gisborne |
Gisborne |
Gisborne |
Shackleton's graveside South Georgia |
Poster noting end of Falklands War |
Shackelton's grave, South Georgia |
Historic Ophir Bridge |
Historic Ophir Bridge |
Shackleton's Ross Sea party cross |
Historic Denniston Incline |
Historic Denniston Incline |
Historic Denniston Incline |
Rusting artefact on walking track |
Close up of historic gold sluice |
Abstract view of mining sluice |
Historic mining artefact |
Central Otago historic gold mine |
Viewing Gold quartz stamper |
Fragment of broken bottle |
Close up of gin bottle fragment |
Historic plant, Auckland Islands |
Historic plant, Auckland Islands |
Subantarctic historic weed |
Subantarctic grave, General Grant |
Shipwreck grave, Sub-Antarctic is |
Penguin digestors, Macquarie Is. |
Macquarie Is. sealing relics |
Makara Gun emplacement walkway |
Makara gun emplacement walkway |
Historic army barracks |
Historic Army barracks |
Historic Army Barracks |
Historic Fort Ballance Wellington |
Fort Ballance remains, Wellington |
Historic gun emplacement |
Historic Gun Emplacement |
Wellington WWII defences |
Historic Mount Crawford emplacement |
Wellington Gun Emplacement |
Historic gun emplacement |
Historic gun emplacement |
Wellington heritage Radar station |