Blue duck research |
Blue duck research |
Horseman, Urewera Country |
Blue duck research |
Wild Blue duck juvenile closeup |
Wild Blue duck juvenile closeup |
Farmland, Hawke's Bay |
Farmland, Hawke's Bay |
Farmland, Hawke's Bay |
Pukeko bird |
Pukeko in wetland |
Possum on roof |
Baby Opossum |
Sheep |
Hunters bounty |
Dead young whitetail deer buck |
Dead young whitetail deer buck |
Whitetail hunting trophy |
Whitetail hunting, Stewart Is |
Tarsel gland on whitetail deer |
Deer skull |
Welcome swallow nest |
Rat caught in a trap with cheese |
Hereford cattle |
Hereford cattle |
Hereford cattle |
Wapiti bull on deer farm |
Lake Tutira, Hawke's Bay |
Lake Tutira, Hawke's Bay |
Ginkgo toothed whale |
Merino sheep in high country |
Hawkweed |
Spider and victim |
Little Blue penquin flipper |
NZ Native pigeon, Kereru |
Bee pollinating flax flowers |
Speargrass flower |
New Zealand katipo spider |
NZ Stag Beetle |
Cocoon making |
Cocoon making |
NZ Vagrant spider |
Garden slater |
Common wasp |
Seabird tracks |
New Zealand's national aquarium |
Hochstetter's Frog, NZ native |
Hochstetter's Frog, NZ native |
Hochstetter's Frog, NZ native |
Cattle |
Waikato River, Hamilton |
Nettle & Cranefly |
Bull |
A load of bull |
Wetland |
Sperm whale |
Set net ban to protect Hector' |
Spring lamb |
Spring lamb |
Kennel for visitors' dogs |