Buckets of grapes awaiting crushing |
Buckets of grapes at harvest time |
Picking grapes at harvest time |
Working in vineyard at harvest time |
Working at vineyard at harvest time |
Harvesting grapes from the vines |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Grapes ready for harvest |
Native Titoki tree seeds |
Native Titoki tree seeds |
Zig-zag bush |
Mahoe tree fruits |
Kohekohe Fruit |
Kohekohe Fruit |
Native Astelia fruit |
Kohekohe fruit capsules |
Alepis mistletoe |
Alepis mistletoe |
Alepis mistletoe |
Pittosporum fruit |
NZ Mistletoe |
NZ native green mistletoe |
Young grape buds |
Karo Fruit, Pittosporum |
Grapevine and grapes |
Wharangi seeds |
Fruiting lichen |
Lanternberry |
Rewarewa seeds |
Rewarewa seeds |
Nightshade weed |
Astelia fruiting |
Tutu leaves and fruit |
Fungi - mould on strawberry |
Fungal mycelia |
Fungi |
Fungus on an orange |
Fungus mycelia on orange |
Coprosma berries |
Black Nightshade weed |
Snowberry and Tararua speargrass |
Blackberry |
Blackberry |
Pigeonwood |
Koru berries |
Kawakawa fruit |
Red Admiral butterfly |
Creeping Pratia |
Bog pine fruiting, NZ native |
Kahikatea fruit |
Kahikatea fruit |
Nikau palm fruiting |
Nikau Palm |
Kawakawa |
Wood pigeon |
Five finger seeds |
Five finger seeds |
Kiekie fruit closeup |
Astelia seeds |
Greengrocer shop,Wellington |