Close up NZ Native Fuchsia flower |
Fern fronds unfurling |
Chatham Is leaf pattern |
Chatham Is forget-me-not leaf |
Closeup of wet leaves of tree lupin |
Native forest & Marlborough Sounds |
Farm fence wire |
Te Apiti wind farm |
Kohekohe fruit capsules |
Wairarapa pine forest |
Corn field plantings |
Maize crop rows |
Maize crop seedligns |
Crop rows and seedlings |
Native Green Orbweb spider |
Forestry plantation, Wairarapa |
Bull kelp texture |
Beach stones and paua shell |
Tourists relaxing in Milford Sound |
Tourists relaxing in Milford Sound |
Golfing in Queenstown |
Golfing in Queenstown |
Tour buses, Fiordland |
Toetoe blowing in wind |
Toetoe blowing in wind |
Flax flowers |
Horses, Taupo |
Flax flower |
Pine forest in mist |
Pine forest and mist |
Totara bark |
Totara bark |
Maori welcome |
Maori welcome |
Kauri tree leaves |
Karaka flowers |
Lichen wild garden sign |
Bird on power lines |
Power line cables |
Wilding pine control |
Fence |
Farm fence tensioners |
Totara bark |
Rimu leaves |
Kowhai tree leaves |
Rata tree bark |
Kauri branches |
Rewarewa seeds |
Rewarewa seeds |
Wilding pine trees |
Wilding pine trees |
Ngaio leaf |
Post Office cove and wharf |
Te Waewae Bay, Southland |
Otago Peninsula |
Sunny river forest, Tararua Ranges |
Farm dogs on four wheeled bike |
Kauri Forest |
Truck topdressing fertiliser |
Kowhai trees |