Doubtful Sound, Fiordland |
Doubtful Sound, Fiordland |
Kahikatea trees, Mt Tasman beyond |
Wetland forest, Lake Matheson |
Wetland vegetation Lake Matheson |
Native mistletoe |
Native red mistletoe on beech |
Kahikatea |
Miro tree giant in forest |
Rimu trunk in thick forest |
Rimu trunk in thick forest |
Red beech seedling |
Large kauri tree, Warkworth |
Pine forest |
White Stringybark gum tree |
Common Alder Trees, winter |
Messmate Stringyback tree leaves |
NZ Manuka Flowers |
Kanuka tree canopy |
NZ Broadleaf, Kapuka |
Mahoe trees |
Pine timber logs for export |
Pine timber logs for export |
Beech forest canopy |
Beech forest canopy |
Poplar trees, Shotover River |
Charles Suisted orchard 1848, N. Otago |
Orchards, Earnscleugh, Alexandra |
Orchards, Earnscleugh, Alexandra |
sheep muster through trees |
Autumn trees, Otago |
Whitebait fishing, Taranaki |
Wanaka farmland |
Pinot noir grapes ready for harvest |
Pinot noir grapes ready for harvest |
Pinot noir grapes ready for harvest |
Tanalised timber use, new subdivision |
Tanalised timber use, new subdivision |
Akeake tree in seed, NZ native |
Akeake tree in seed, NZ native |
Akeake tree in seed, NZ native |
Beef, Waikato hill country |
Beef, Waikato hill country |
Whanganui River, Taumarunui |
Whanganui River, Taumarunui |
Nectarines, Central Otago |
Nectarines, Central Otago |
Nectarines, Central Otago |
Nectarines, Central Otago |
Rewarewa tree flowers, NZ native |
Tawa tree bark with moss and lichen |
Tawa tree bark with moss and lichen |
Totara tree, native |
Powerlines over hills, Belmont |
Matai tree leaves |
Rewarewa tree, native |
Old logging crawler, Pureora Forest |
Kauri forest interior, Northland |
Kauri forest interior, Northland |
kauri Tree trunk, Northland |