Tramper at Kitekite waterfall, Auckland |
Tramper crossing a stream |
Tramper crossing a stream, Auckland |
River crossing, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Tramper on Hillary Trail, Auckland |
Hillary Trail, Waitakeres, Auckland |
Tramper at Glen Esk stream |
Visitor looking over Lake Rotoroa |
Visitor looking over Lake Rotoroa |
Black swan and sygnets |
Black swan and sygnets |
Black swan and sygnets |
Camping beside Upper Buller River |
Mahinapua walkway, West Coast |
Doubtful Sound and Deep Cove |
Pohutukawa tree |
Arthur River, Fiordland N.P. |
North Mavora Lake |
Trout fishers, Mavora Lakes |
Lake Te Anau outlet, Southland |
Deer hunter cooking in tent |
Thompson Sound, Fiordland N.P. |
Fiordland Coastline, Secretary Is |
Waihora Lagoon, Podocarp |
Waikato wetland reflections |
Karori Sanctuary, Wellington |
Karori Sanctuary, Wellington |
Visitors to Zealandia, Karori |
Family at Zealandia, Karori |
Returning to camp with trophy |
Returning to camp with trophy head |
Hunter walking with trophy head |
Walking back to camp with trophy |
Hunter carrying trophy home at night |
Native Pateke or Brown Teal |
Native Brown Teal |
Native Brown Teal |
Native Brown Teal |
Native Brown Teal |
Native Brown Teal |
Native Brown Teal |
Train crossing viaduct, Ohakune |
Hunter looking over river valley |
Hunter looking over river valley |
Looking over river valley, Fiordland |
Remote campsite, Fiordland |
Lake Alice, Fiordland NP |
Fiordland lunch stop, hunting |
Passing Pencarrow lighthouse, Wgtn |
Hunter looking out over Glaisnock |
Bugling to rutting deer |
Bugling to rutting deer in hills |
Bulging to rutting deer in valley |
Lone hunter bugling to rutting deer |
Hunter looking across valley |
Hunter using binoculars to spot deer |
Hunter using binoculars to find deer |
Hunter search for deer over valley |
Campers at Onetahuti Bay |
DOC campsite at Onetahuti Bay |