Alpine Broad leaved carrot |
Native orchid |
Pleurophyllum speciosum plant |
Native Gentiana concinna in bloom |
Stilbocarpa polaris flowers |
Anisotome antipoda in bloom |
Foxglove |
Foxglove |
Begonia House, Wellington |
Wellington Botanical Gardens |
Oriental Bay, Wellington |
Lavender |
Wandering Willy weed |
Wild ginger pest |
Mount Cook lily |
Taranaki Coast |
Native daisy |
Large feathery-leaved buttercups |
Heaphy forest, Kahurangi NP |
Manuka flowers |
Cymbidium orchid |
Orchids |
Dandelion |
Flowering eyebrights, Westland |
3 native buttercup flowers |
Native orchid |
Flax heads |
Orange pore fungi |
Koromiko flowers |
Poroporo flower |
Daffodil flower |
Enderby Island Cattle |
Enderby Island |
Sub Antarctic Island |
Fire threathening homes |
Spaniard grass |
Magnolia flowers |
Ragwort weed infestation on farmland |
Ragwort weed infestation on farmland |
Ragwort weed infestation on farmland |
Ragwort weed infestation |
Native Kamahi flowers |
Native Kamahi flowers |
NZ Pimelea flowers |
Kiekie in flower |
Speargrass tips, NZ native |
Speargrass flower, NZ native |
Speargrass flower |
Hebe buchananii |
Hebe odora |
Wild lupin flowers |
Wild lupin flowers |
Whangaroa, Far north |
Native NZ groundsel flowers |
Cocksfoot grass |
Daffodils flowering |
Hawkweed plant pest flowering |
Broccoli florets and stem closeup |
Broccoli florets and stem closeup |
Broccoli florets and stem closeup |