Bee on Blue Borage flower |
Flower of the NZ hibiscus |
NZ hibiscus flower |
Gravel Road alert signpost |
Passionfruit flower - a weed |
Wildflowers, Lake Dunstan |
Lake Tekapo and Southern Alps |
Lake Tekapo and Southern Alps |
Wild thyme plant in bloom |
Wild thyme plant in bloom |
Closeup of Buddleia flower head |
Foxglove plants in flower |
Darwins Barberry weed |
Fennel flowers and dew |
Magpie moth caterpillar |
Magpie caterpillar |
Ivy leaved toadflax weed |
Dandelion flowers |
Parsley flowers |
Flowering gorse |
Flowering gorse |
Lawn daisies and clover |
Lawn daisies and clover |
Himalayan honeysuckle |
Thistle flower |
Thistle flower |
Ragwort |
Nightshade |
Introduced Heather, pest plant |
Lupins |
Lupins |
Lupins |
Lupins |
Lupins |
Lupins |
Banana passionfruit |
Passionfruit vine pest |
Banana passionfruit |
Highway through farmland |
Fennel flowers |
Blue borage |
Blue borage flowers |
Pastoral flowers |
Fiordland walk |
Ragwort |
Bumble bee |
Old mans beard weed on native forest |
Blue borage flowers |
Blue borage flowers |
Blue borage flowers |
Lawn daisies and clover |
Balm of Gilead plant weed |
Balm of Gilead |
Balm of Gilead |
Balm of Gilead |
Balm of Gilead |
Balm of Gilead |
Balm of Gilead |
Elderflower picking |
Elderflower picking |